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Who we are

We are a diverse group of individuals with different backgrounds, talents, and hobbies but with similar visions and goals.  We are interested in natural building, specifically modified earth ship designs, farming with many different techniques including but not limited to aquaponics, using humanure, and square foot gardening all without use of chemicals based pesticides or fertilizers.  We plan to take care of our children and elders in the community and also have interest in fostering and adopting children as resources allow.  We do not descriminate against age, race, gender, sexual preference, or religious or spiritual beliefs.  We ask that all members have mutual respect for nature and people alike and treat all living things as equal.   We are not a community of people that believe in isolating ourselves from society but rather providing a space for eduction and learning so we can show a different way of life to all who want to learn.  We are hopeful that we can all live in harmony with each other and the earth with a minimal set of rules allowing us to have the freedom to live a heart felt life guided by love.   We seek passionate, like minded people who have figured out who they are, love themselves, and want create space for learning and diversity to thrive.

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